Just surfing the web and came across this article about air conditioning from 1978!  Funny to see that while so much has changed, so much has stayed the same.  For instance, it’s no longer true that “Americans use more electricity just to run their air conditioners than is produced in all of China” (in fact that seems ridiculous now, doesn’t it?).   On the other hand, it was as true in 1978 as it is 2009 that “today most Americans consider [air conditioning] a necessity rather than the luxury.”

We sometimes forget that A/C is a mid-20th Century invention.  Being cool on a hot summer day has become one of those things that we don’t question and just take for granted.  Homeowners should take notice of their A/C every once in a while though.

Ask yourself if it’s time to upgrade.  We’ve got a great Energy Calculator that can help you…it calculates not only how much money you can save, but also how your energy savings translates to taking cars off the road or doing the work of trees in a forest.
