Last month I wrote about upgrading your insulation, but before you want to completely overhaul the insulation in your home, you’ll want to have to friendly neighborhood HVAC contractor perform a home energy audit. This will tell you just how insulated your home is against the elements and measure the resistance to heat flow of your walls, doors, ceilings, windows, and skylights. You want a high resistance to flow – this means your are properly insulated.

After your home is audited, you will receive a written report estimated your energy usage based on the local climate, your thermostat settings, roof overhang, and solar positioning. The report will show your energy usage at any given time of day and give you tips for decreasing energy usage. Accuracy is greater improved if you have your electric company billing statements handy. They have your actual usage, not just estimates. The suditor may also interview everyone in the house to find out your personal usage habits so you can better improve your energy efficiency.

I know this may seem like alarge upfront cost – the audit alone can be a few hundred dollars, and when you add the suggested changes the cost can add up. Just remember the money you will save in decreased energy bills. Your wallet and the environment will thank you! ')}