Energy efficient homes are great for the environment and reduce monthly utility bills, but they can be built so tightly that they cannot breathe! A home must be able to breathe in order to prevent unhealthy living conditions. There are some things you can do to improve your indoor air quality.
First off, control indoor pollution. This may seem like common sense, but there are some pollutants that you may not even be aware of. New carpeting can emit chemicals for years after installation. Cleaning products also pollute the air. The scents are not natural, they are created with chemicals. Natural, unscented cleaning products are healthier for your home and for you.
You can also improve ventilation by opening windows to let in fresh air and turn on ceiling fans to keep the air circulating. Remember that your HVAC system does not bring in outside air to circulate through your home. Opening windows will also let odor from pets and garbage cans leave your house.
Replacing your old vacuum with one with a HEPA filter is another way you can keep your air clean. They more effectively remove dust and particles from your floors than older vacuums which can blow these particles back into the air.

Energy efficient homes are built with moisture barriers that can control your home’s humidity a little too much. Use a dehumidifier to pull the moisture out of the air during warmer months and a humidifier in colder months to put moisture back in the air. This will help prevent respiratory infections and keep your wooden furniture and fixtures from warping and cracking.
Smoking emits dangerous chemicals as well as yellowing walls and furniture, so even if you are a smoker, do not let anyone smoke in your home. Cigarette smoke lingers even in a home that is not well sealed, so designate a place outside for smoking.
Air fresheners are another chemical we commonly spray into our air. Instead of chemical fresheners, try something natural. Pour some vanilla extract into a bowl, twist an orange or lemon zest, or place some cider and cinnamon sticks in your oven for a chemical-free alternative to air fresheners.
One of the most important things you can do is buy a high quality air filter. There are stand alone units and models you can install on your HVAC equipment. These air filters remove more particles and allergens than your typical air filter. Also, don’t forget to change your filter monthly!
If you implement all of these tips into your home, you will notice a change in your indoor air quality almost immediately! While it may seem that not all of them are for you, your health and that of your family will be greatly improved by improving the air they breathe. ')}