Your old furnace is costing you money, and you know it doesn’t have much life left in it. So what’s the best method for choosing a new HVAC system? There are a number of brands out there, and they all make amazing claims about efficiency, comfort, longevity, and cost-savings.

Who can you trust?

Woman wonders over which home heating system to choose?

ACDoctor is an independent organization that’s been in the business for 60 years. Here’s the place to start your HVAC comparison.

[button color=”yellow” size=”medium” url=”/Furnaces-p-1-c-62.html” ] Start Home Heating System Comparison [/button]

ACDoctor has compiled information to help with the process of home heating system comparison. We’ll even help you find rebates and steer you to a qualified HVAC contractor!

Before you start the HVAC comparison, you might want to ask yourself a few questions.

1. Are you paying too much to heat your house? Use the ACDoctor energy calculator to show how much you could save by switching to a high-efficiency unit.
2. Have you had your home ‘sized’? A qualified contractor can estimate the capacity you need. Many older homes have boilers or furnaces that are actually larger than needed. This results in higher energy costs and less-than-optimal comfort.
3. What type of fuel will you use? While fuel oil was the preferred option in the past, most homes in the United States now use natural gas. Electric or propane are other options but they’re probably not the most economical.
4. Are you familiar with concepts like SEER and AFUE? There is a wealth of information on the ACDoctor website ( The more prepared you are, the easier the decision-making process when it comes to home heating system comparisons.

If you have the luxury of time (that is, if your furnace hasn’t broken down), it will pay to do some homework. You could be living with this home heating system for 25 years. (Good reason to check out the warranty before you decide on a new HVAC system.)

After you’ve chosen a good contractor, there are other issues to discuss. Is your ventilation adequate? Do your ducts need replacing? Will the system work with central AC? Does your hot water tank need replacing? (See this story about a high-efficiency water heater made by GE)

A good contractor can offer more specific advice on your situation. With a little prep from ACDoctor and the help of a good HVAC contractor, you can expect to enjoy many years of trouble-free, economical home heating. ')}