Summer is in full swing, and that means it’s time to change your A/C filter! Remember, most air filters need to be changed at least once every 30 days. They need to be changed more often during summer and winter months when your system is running almost constantly.
Aside from being good for your unit, changing your filter regularly is good for your health. Air filters are designed to trap dust, mold, pollen, and other indoor air pollutants. These pollutants can aggravate your allergies or asthma if you have them, and, according to The American Lung Association, they can even cause cancer! I know it seems like everything causes cancer these days, but if something as simple as changing your A/C filter can help prevent it, why not do it?
As a filter clogs, your unit has to work harder to pull air through, making the unit wear out faster. Disposable filters are not very expensive, especially when compared to the costs of having your unit serviced or replaced due to excess wear and tear. Replaceable filters are even more cost effective! They do cost more initially, but after that purchase, you are not shelling out $15+ a month for a new disposable filter (they also keep all those disposable filters out of our landfills).
If this blog comes a little too late and you already need to repair you system, any of our AC Doctor Certified Contractors would be happy to help you. For instructions on changing your air filter, click here.
