The real estate market is a buyer’s market right now. But how do you know if your future home is efficient? Here are some things to consider when looking for a more efficient home.
1.How big is it?     
Today’s home are much larger than need be, and the bigger the home the more energy it uses. In general, a one bedroom home doesn’t need to be any bigger than 900 square feet, 1,400 square feet for a 2 bedroom, 1,900 for a 3 bedroom, and so on.
2.Where is it?   
The closer your house is to sidewalks, stores, public transportation, etc, the less you drive and the less you add to the air pollution.
3.How is it oriented?    
South facing windows can let in heat during the winter. Nice, big shade trees will help keep the heat out during the summer.
4.Is it well insulated and are doors and windows sealed tightly against air leaks?    
You will want to have your HVAC contractor check to make sure you have enough insulation for your area. You can also have a ‘door blower test’ performed to find any leaks and find any drafts.
5.Had the indoor air quality been tested?   
Homes are being built sealed tighter than they used to be so that they can hold in the hot or cold air, depending on season, but they can also hold in toxins such as mold, asbestos, and lead. You can also ask if the home was built of renovated with low and zero-emission paints and sealants, strawboard for the subfloor, and other non-toxic materials.
6.How efficient is the water usage?    
Look for a water-conserving irrigation system and rainwater collection and storage systems as well as check the kitchen and bathroom plumbing fixtures for their efficiency.
7.What’s on the roof?    
Lighter colored roofs reflect sunlight and therefore keep homes cooler in the summer months. Live up north? Look for a darker roof to attract sunlight in the winter to help heat your home.
8.Has it been certified as green?    
The U.S. Green Building Council, the EPA, and other agencies rate homes based on their efficiency. The highest rated homes are certified green homes.
